EFISTUBMGR(1) General Commands Manual EFISTUBMGR(1)

efistubmgrgenerate EFISTUB boot entries

efistubmgr [-hv] [-d disk] [-p partition] [--fake] [entry ...]

The efistubmgr utility generates EFI boot entries for the Linux kernel as an EFI executable (EFISTUB).

Internally, efistubmgr uses efibootmgr(8) to add and remove EFI boot entries.

Command line options override options from the configuration file. The options are as follows:

disk, --disk disk
Set the disk containing the EFI system partition (defaults to /dev/sda).
, --help
Print the help message and exit.
partition, --part partition
Set the partition number containing the EFI system partition (defaults to 1).
, --version
Print version information and exit.
Print what would be executed on the invocation of efistubmgr without adding or modifying EFI boot entries. This option is useful for debugging and testing changes to /etc/efistubmgr.conf.
entry ...
Entries to regenerate.

The default efistubmgr configuration file. See efistubmgr.conf(5) for more information.
EFI System Partition
This partition (also called ESP) contains the boot loaders and kernel images for all installed operating systems. By default efistubmgr uses /dev/sda. efistubmgr sets the kernel and initramfs values for boot entries to files inside this partition.

One can find the EFI system partition by locating the partition with type EFI System, for example, by running the below command as root and looking for the partition in the list.

# fdisk -l /dev/sda

The efistubmgr utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs. It can fail for any of these reasons:

  • The configuration file /etc/efistubmgr.conf was invalid.
  • No boot entries were specified in /etc/efistubmgr.conf.
  • efibootmgr(8) was not installed.

efistubmgr.conf(5), efibootmgr(8)

February 3, 2022